The Critical Thing Is To Keep Moving, Even In Small Ways. 

I have been incredibly fortunate to train with and be an instructor under Guru Dan Inosanto since the mid-90s. Sifu Dan is a true seeker of knowledge, delving deeply into martial arts and its history and cultural background. He has trained in multiple martial arts and continues to learn and seek new knowledge to enhance … Read more

From Setbacks to Success: Roll It Off and Drive Forward

Everyone encounters problems in life. Whether personal, professional, or a blend of both, challenges are a natural part of the human experience. Yet, how we deal with these problems can significantly affect our overall well-being and success. Adopting a resilient mindset and a no-nonsense approach to challenges can be transformative.  For me, dealing with problems … Read more

Mastering Self-Leadership for Personal and Professional Success

I firmly believe that all leadership development must begin with self-leadership. To be truly effective as a leader, you must first demonstrate the ability to lead yourself. This idea means cultivating discipline, integrity, and a proactive mindset. Before others recognize you as a capable leader, you must show that you can manage your actions, emotions, and … Read more

Swordsmanship in Martial Studies And Personal Development

Dive into the rich tradition of martial arts and swordsmanship, exploring how ancient disciplines enhance personal growth, leadership, and ethical conduct. Discover the profound impact of the warrior’s mindset in modern life.

Developing Timeless Tools And The Good Old Days

This article delves into the importance of staying present and continuously learning in martial arts, challenging practitioners to shift focus from past glories to current opportunities. It emphasizes the development of timeless skills over temporary achievements, advocating for a mindset that embraces change and personal growth. Highlighting the necessity of attribute development, body state training, and mental resilience, the piece encourages martial artists to cultivate a warrior mindset to face modern challenges.

Crafting a Personal Code in the Combat Arts.

Explore the art of developing a personal Warrior’s Code in ‘Crafting a Personal Code in the Combat Arts’. Delve into the ethical and philosophical depths of combat arts, beyond physical prowess, to embrace a code guiding life and combat. Learn how to integrate principles from historic warrior cultures and modern disciplines like the US Marines and law enforcement, aligning with personal values for a life of strength, resilience, and honor

Rethinking Grappling in the Age of Everyday Carry

Discover the transformative journey of integrating Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and Combat Submission Wrestling with firearms training for a comprehensive self-defense strategy. Learn how the fusion of grappling and tactical readiness prepares individuals for real-world challenges. This article delves into the development of a warrior’s mindset, the importance of weapon retention in combat, and the creation of the Living Mechanics Jiu-Jitsu and C-Tac Programs, offering insights into adapting martial arts training for enhanced situational awareness and self-reliance.

Control Your Input: Nurturing a Healthy Mind in a Noisy World

Explore the wisdom of Bruce Lee and the importance of mindful information consumption in our digital age. This article delves into the martial artist’s philosophical insights on mental clarity, focus, and the discipline of thought, offering strategies for effective digital detox, mental health, and personal development.

Mastering the Warrior Mindset And Walking The Warrior’s Path

The warrior mindset transcends mere attitude; it represents a profound and dynamic mental framework that empowers you to approach life’s hurdles with indomitable courage, formidable strength, and a steadfast commitment to personal development and triumph. This mindset demands a complete and undistracted focus on your objectives, expelling any inklings of doubt or fear. It’s about … Read more

The Warrior’s Resilience: Lessons from a Lifetime Martial Artist

Explore the essence of a warrior’s resilience in this insightful article by Sifu Alan Baker, a lifetime martial artist. Delve into personal anecdotes, lessons from martial arts, and wisdom from figures like ex-Navy SEAL Lt. Jason Redman. Discover how resilience transcends mere endurance, embodying adaptive recovery and growth. A must-read for anyone seeking to strengthen their inner fortitude and navigate life’s challenges with unwavering strength and wisdom.