Overcoming Challenges: A Strategy For Navigating Life’s Obstacles

Twice a year, I have the privilege of assisting in a Rappel Master certification course at True Adventure Sports, located in the rugged terrain of Little River Canyon near Fort Payne, Alabama. This course, which certifies new master instructors in high-angle rescue and climbing techniques, is an intense physical and mental experience. The course pushes … Read more

Comfort is the Enemy, And Creating a Culture of Challenge 

I’m spending this week at Little River Canyon, just outside Fort Payne, Alabama, assisting in a Rappel Master certification course at True Adventure Sports. This course is designed to certify new master instructors in various aspects of the high-angle industry, and I have the privilege of assisting with it twice a year. Each time, it proves to be … Read more

Todays Certificate Culture & The Old-School Mentor 

Over the years, I have garnered many nicknames from being deeply immersed in the culture of The Combat Arts. One of these nicknames was bestowed upon me by my students: “old school.” I don’t mind this title at all, even though it sometimes reminds me of how long I’ve been around. In fact, over the last … Read more

Mastering Self-Leadership for Personal and Professional Success

I firmly believe that all leadership development must begin with self-leadership. To be truly effective as a leader, you must first demonstrate the ability to lead yourself. This idea means cultivating discipline, integrity, and a proactive mindset. Before others recognize you as a capable leader, you must show that you can manage your actions, emotions, and … Read more

The “Rise Above” Mindset And The Pursuit of Excellence

Unlock the power of peak performance by setting uncompromising standards, even on your off days. Discover actionable strategies to consistently outwork and outperform your competition, ensuring that your worst days surpass their best. Dive into this article for transformative insights on mastering a warrior’s mindset.