The Power of Environmental Design in Defensive Tactics Training

In the summer of 2009, I ventured into the fascinating world Of Personal protection. This was my maiden introduction to the Executive Protection Institute

Enhancing Defensive Tactics Training Programs

In the world of defensive tactics training, technique-based programs have been prevalent for a long time. However, many customers are unaware that better options are available to them. This article will explore the significance of incorporating thought tools and body state training into defensive tactics programs to improve practitioner skills and enhance overall effectiveness. By … Read more

Living Mechanics: Unraveling the Intricacies of the Human Machine

Exploring the intricacies of the human machine is a perpetual journey that extends throughout one’s life. The field of physical sciences, encompassing physical education, is an indispensable discipline for every individual.

Resilience Rooted in Martial Arts: Lessons from the Poem ‘Good Timber

Occasionally, a piece of literature strikes a deep, resonant chord, transforming your perspective and amplifying your understanding of life. For me, it was the insightful poem ‘Good Timber’ by Douglas Malloch.

The Baker Defensive Tactics Training Triad 

Constructing a transformative training program requires an intentional and methodical integration of teaching methodologies.

Awakening to Serenity: Redefining Morning Routines in a Digitally Distracted World

In an era defined by ceaseless digital chatter, the simple act of quiet introspection is often neglected, particularly during the early morning hours.

Cultivating Self-Awareness: 

Self-awareness, a cornerstone of personal growth, can significantly enhance your interactions with others and help you craft the life you want and deserve.

Warrior’s Wisdom: Embracing Continuous Learning for Growth and Mastery

In the warrior’s culture, the pursuit of knowledge and constant improvement is at the core of their path to mastery. Drawing inspiration from the warriors’ relentless dedication to self-improvement, we will explore the transformative power of embracing continuous learning. By adopting the warrior’s mindset and cultivating a thirst for knowledge, you can unlock your full … Read more

Enhancing Executive Protection: Introducing the Comprehensive Protection Response Tactics Program

The conclusion of another successful May Executive Protection Institute School marked the commencement of an eagerly anticipated course – the Protection Response Tactics (PRT) program.

Unleashing Your Inner Warrior: Building Mental Toughness for Success

In today’s fast-paced and challenging world, cultivating mental toughness is essential for personal and professional success. Drawing inspiration from the warrior culture, where mental fortitude is highly valued, we can learn valuable lessons and develop the resilience and strength needed to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.  This article will explore essential principles and strategies … Read more