Incorporating An EDC (Everyday Carry) Training Kit In Your Training

Explore the transformative journey of incorporating an EDC (Everyday Carry) training kit into combat training. Discover how integrating firearms and blades reshapes traditional martial arts, leading to the creation of the comprehensive C-Tac curriculum. Delve into advanced strategies, real-world scenarios, and the critical thinking necessary for a well-rounded martial education

The Critical Intersection of Martial Arts and Protection: A Deep Dive into Modern Training Needs

Explore the critical intersection of martial arts and modern protection training needs. Discover how martial arts expertise, combined with a comprehensive approach to protection, can enhance personal defense, strategic thinking, and adaptability. Learn the importance of visual considerations, low-level force techniques, verbal de-escalation, and integrating firearms into your training. Join us as we delve into creating a more effective and legally defensible protection system