Maintaining the Machine: The Power of Small Action Steps In Your Fitness Journey

Don’t forget to maintain the machine! Often, we search for ways to improve different aspects of our lives—whether it’s acquiring skills to grow a business, seeking knowledge to build stronger relationships, or finding new strategies to achieve success. But in that pursuit, we sometimes overlook one of the most important elements: our body, what I often refer to as the human machine.

Your body is the most powerful weapon you have to navigate and fight life’s challenges. Without it functioning at its best, everything else becomes more difficult. Physical development is essential, not just for aesthetics or fitness but to ensure you have the strength, endurance, and resilience to push through obstacles—both mental and physical.

You don’t need to become an elite athlete, but you do need to prioritize maintaining and improving your physical state. Whether that’s strength training, martial arts, mobility work, or any activity that keeps the body active, you must invest in the machine. And even if you can’t always push for growth, at the very least, ensure that you’re doing something to maintain it as you move forward in your journey.

I’ve been fortunate to spend a significant part of my life training—both in the weight room and on the academy floor. Physical activity has been a constant for me, shaping not only my body but also my mindset. Over the years, I’ve come to understand that maintaining good physical conditioning has been a reliable foundation, especially when life throws unexpected challenges my way.

In many cases, your ability to overcome obstacles—whether mental or physical—can be directly tied to your level of fitness. Sometimes, it’s about endurance, about how long you can push through discomfort or pain. When you’ve built a robust and resilient body, you can handle more, both in training and in life. That physical endurance and capacity to endure hardship often become your greatest assets.

I see this clearly in fighting. You can possess all the technical knowledge and strategies in the world, but when the fight gets tough and you’re pushed to your limits, it often comes down to physical fitness, endurance, and pure toughness. It’s not just about skill at that point—it’s about whether your body can hold up under pressure. Your ability to withstand fatigue, pain, and adversity can be the difference between winning and losing. And that resilience comes from the physical training you do outside of the fight.

This is why I’m such a strong advocate for consistent strength training and weightlifting. When done correctly, these practices can have an immense positive impact on your overall well-being. Strength training isn’t just about lifting heavy weights; it’s about building a foundation that supports everything you do, from daily tasks to intense physical challenges. It enhances your endurance, fortifies your body’s resilience, and ensures that your human machine is well-maintained for whatever life throws your way.

Even if you’re not fighting in a ring or on the mats, the benefits of strength training extend into all areas of life. Whether it’s handling stress, navigating physical demands, or simply staying healthy as you age, investing in your body is an investment in your long-term ability to thrive. So, whether you’re lifting weights or training in martial arts, remember that the time you spend building and maintaining your body pays dividends far beyond the gym.

From late 2022 through 2023, I faced three major physical setbacks. One of them was a significant shoulder surgery, and another was an elbow surgery due to a fracture. Both surgeries took me out of the gym and away from training for over a year—the longest break I’ve ever had from physical activity. And trust me, I’m not someone who enjoys being away from the gym or off the mat.

However, one thing that really stood out to me during this period was how well my body handled the recovery process. Despite the severity of these challenges, my recovery was directly linked to the years of training I had put in beforehand. All that time spent strengthening my body paid off when it mattered most.

That brings me to the beginning of this year, when all the doctors finally gave me the green light to return to the gym and get back on the mat. Let me tell you, after being out for over a year, it felt like I was starting all over from zero. It seemed like all the strength I had built over the years had vanished. On top of that, the lingering pain from both the shoulder and elbow injuries made it feel like progress would be impossible to regain.

But here’s the thing—we are a community of warriors. And when I say “we,” I’m including you. If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re either already on this warrior’s path or you’re seeking to join it. As fighters, we know the importance of keeping forward momentum, even if it’s just one small step at a time. In my mind, I often think my steps should cover more ground, that I should be further along. But the reality, especially after injuries like these, is that progress happens in much smaller increments.

Now, I could have focused on the slowness of those steps, let it frustrate me, and maybe even stop me altogether. But instead, I made a conscious decision: it’s not about how big the steps are, it’s about the fact that I’m moving forward at all. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing since the start of this year—taking small steps, day after day, even when they didn’t feel like much. And while I won’t pretend that I’ve seen tremendous, rapid gains, those small steps have added up. Now, I’m starting to experience levels of progress I honestly never thought I’d reach again.

Have you ever set a goal for yourself and thought, “This is as far as I’ll ever get”? And then, when you finally reach that goal, you surprise yourself by wondering, “What’s next? What else can I do?” That’s where I’m at now. And trust me, you can be there too, especially if you’ve been hesitant to start.

I’m here to tell you to make up your mind, shift your perspective, and take those small steps forward. Don’t worry about how long it takes. Don’t worry about the discomfort and the pain along the way. Those are just part of the journey. And as warriors, we accept that pain and discomfort are inevitable, but we choose to step forward anyway.

It’s not about how fast you move, it’s about keeping the momentum. Small steps might feel insignificant at first, but they eventually lead to the progress you’ve been searching for. So, lace up your shoes, get on the mat, and start moving forward, no matter how small the step. That’s what being part of this warrior community is all about—perseverance in the face of challenges and never letting setbacks stop you.

If you’re reading this and you’ve never set foot in a gym to lift weights or walked into a martial arts academy to try any kind of martial arts or self-defense training, I understand how intimidating that can feel. The idea of starting something new—especially something that pushes you physically and mentally—can be overwhelming. And I get it. I regularly face things that intimidate me, too. But here’s the key: if this is something you want to do, if this is a path you feel drawn to, I’m here to tell you that you absolutely can do it.

You don’t have to be perfect when you start. In fact, no one ever is. It’s okay to start from a place of uncertainty or even complete inexperience. Every single person—myself included—starts from that position. We all begin not knowing, not being able to do certain things, and sometimes feeling out of place. But that’s just part of the journey.

The important thing is that you start. It doesn’t matter how small the steps are at first. What matters is that you make the commitment to move forward, to take action. Even if it’s just one small step each day, that movement forward is what sets you apart. Taking action is what separates those who achieve their goals from those who never move beyond their comfort zones.

A considerable portion of the population dreams about things but never takes that crucial step. They think about change and imagine what’s possible but don’t make it real. What will set you apart is your willingness to act. It’s not about figuring everything out before you begin—it’s about starting with what you have right where you are.

You don’t need to have all the answers before you walk into the gym or step onto the mat for the first time. The key is just to get started, no matter how intimidating it feels. The moment you take action, you’ve already done something most people won’t. And once you begin, that momentum will grow. You’ll surprise yourself with what you’re capable of, but only if you take that first step.

So, if this is something you’ve been thinking about—whether it’s martial arts, strength training, or any new challenge—don’t wait until you feel “ready.” Take action now, and let that action be the catalyst for everything that follows.

Shift Your Perspective, Take the Action, Transform Your World.
~ Sifu Alan 

Alan Baker is renowned for his dual expertise in crafting tailored Defensive Tactics Programs and high-performance coaching. Catering specifically to law enforcement agencies, military organizations, and security firms, Alan designs training regimens that emphasize practical techniques, real-world adaptability, and scenario-based training. His approach enhances the capabilities and readiness of personnel in intense situations. Explore Alan’s tailored programs here.

Beyond mere tactics, Alan stands out as the paramount “Self Leadership” coach, adept at unlocking the vast potential within individuals. With a deep passion for mentoring professionals, entrepreneurs, and those on personal growth odysseys, he focuses on nurturing a mindset of excellence. Alan’s coaching hinges on practical strategies that bolster mental resilience, focus, and drive. Teaming up with Alan means embarking on a transformative path where mental barriers are dismantled, inherent strengths come to the fore, and your goals become within clear sight. His profound insights enhance performance and sculpt a mindset tailored for triumphant success.

To delve deeper into Alan’s mindset philosophy, peruse his enlightening collection of books And if you’re ready to amplify your journey under Alan’s tutelage, connect through his official website.

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